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Company rating "Sampoorna"

Overall rating

Company reviews "Sampoorna"

Good for freshers
It is a good place to work in and a great company to learn lots of things. It is also good for freshers, good co workers, many extra curricular activities. I came here as a fresher and gained good experience here that will help me in future.
0 0
2016-03-13 20:20:05
Best place to work in
I had to deal with recruitment in Sampoorna and my functional was to interact with clients . I had to learn to get hot requirements to submit qualified candidates. The motto of our management system was the get more quality resumes than quantity resumes.
0 0
2015-06-22 15:12:37
Challenges, good people
I worked in Sampoorna for a year. My sphere of responsibilities was Headhunting, making Internet based recruiting tools and using massive networking drives to find out the potential candidates. I had to work in several locations for the company. Not bad.
0 0
2015-04-21 14:47:45

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The company's image consists of dozens of variables, the most important being the vivid impressions of people who have had experience of working with the organization. Leave a comment about employers with whom you have common tasks and plans - to raise awareness of all labor market participants.

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